Select Izbornik > Postavke > Zaslon and from the available options:
● Pozadina — to add a background image for the standby mode
● Aktivna pripravnost — to activate, organize, and personalize the active standby
● Boja slova u načinu pripravnosti — to select the font color for the standby mode
● Ikone navigacijske tipke — to display the icons of the scroll key shortcuts in the
standby mode when active standby is off
● Čuvar zaslona — to create and set a screen saver
● Ušteda energije — to dim the display automatically and to display a clock when
the phone is not used for a certain time
● Način spavanje — to switch off the display automatically when the phone is not
used for a certain time
● Veličina slova — to set the font size for messaging, contacts, and web pages
● Logo operatera — to display the operator logo
● Prikaz informacije o ćeliji — to display the cell identity, if available from the